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Monday, 3 June 2024

RECENTRE presentations at the Health by Tech conference

Representatives from multiple RECENTRE work packages presented their work at theĀ 13th edition of theĀ Supporting Health by Technology Conference, which took place in Groningen onĀ Thursday, 30th and Friday, 31st of May 2024. Ana Coiciu (WP6) was excited to share the progress of our research team in exploring various facets of health technology to find innovative solutions for patients at risk. Her research, titledĀ Adaptive Digital Lifestyle Interventions for Patients: A Rapid Realist Review, looks at the perspective of stakeholders and current evidence based on adaptive lifestyle interventions tailored to metabolic syndrome patients. Judith Austin (WP5) presented her research,Ā Multiple Selves Exercises in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Systematic Review, that investigates the impact of virtual reality exercises on multiple identities that define our self-perception. Another valuable contribution was from Meyke Roosink (WP7) about Health Technology Implementation: Tools for Awareness and Guidance, which provided insights into the tools needed for effective health technology adoption. Arlene John (WP2) presented the preliminary results of an exploratory study on the potential of using digital phenotyping in monitoring late effects after breast cancer. The findings from this study will feed into the RECENTRE work package on predictions over time (WP2).

Together, we're working towards a healthier future through technology!

Meyke Roosink (WP7), Ana Coiciu (WP6), Arlene John (WP2), Judith Austin (WP5) and Ruud Verdaasdonk (WP7) represend RECENTRE at the Supporting Health by Tech conference 2024