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Resilience Engineering
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Resilience Engineering


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Stefan Aarninkhof
Board - Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences - Director of the Foundation EcoShape
Lilian van den Aarsen
Strategic Advisory Board - Director of the central office of the National Delta Programme Commisioner
Tina Comes
Scientific Director 4TU RE - Professor and Delft Technology Fellow on Designing Resilience (TUD)
Remco Dijkman
Steering Group - Professor in Information Systems (TU/e)
Tatiana Filatova
Professor Computational Economics (TUD) – Former programme leader DeSIRE – former Scientific Steering Group member
Reintje van Haeringen
Strategic Advisory Board - CEO at CARE Nederland
Kenneth Heijns
Strategic Advisory Board - Managing director at AMS Institute
Sabrina Helmyr
Strategic Advisory Board - Program leader Climate Adaptation / Sector leader water boards at Arcadis
Stephanie Hessing
Managing Director 4TU RE
Hans Hilbrands
Strategic Advisory Board - Director Stichting Pioneering
Geert-Jan van Houtum
Board - Dean and Professor of Maintenance and Reliability (TU/e) - former Scientific Steering Group member
Jan Dirk Jansen
Board - Professor of Reservoir Systems and Control / Former Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (TUD)
Bas Jonkman
Professor of Integral Hydraulic Engineering (TUD) - former SSG member
Ahmadreza Marandi
Steering Group - Tenure Tracker resilient supply chains (TU/e)
Freek van der Meer
Board - Dean and Professor geothermal energy and earth resources of Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (UT)
Miranda Meuwissen
Steering Group - Professor of cost-effective risk management in food supply chains (WUR)
Arnoud Molenaar
Strategic Advisory Board - Chief Resilience Officer / Manager Rotterdam Climate Proof at City of Rotterdam
Niklas Möhring
Assistant Professor Business Economics(WUR) - former SSG member
Andy Nelson
Steering Group - Professor in Spatial Agriculture and Food Security (UT)
Nienke Nijenhuis
External communication advisor
Stefan Nijwening
Strategic Advisory Board - Entrepreneur / Innovator at Water board Vechtstromen
Elisabeth van Opstall
Strategic Advisory Board - Managing director of Next Generation Infrastructures (NGinfra)
Henk Ovink
Strategic Advisory Board - Special Envoy for International Water Affairs at Kingdom of the Netherlands
Maria Pregnolato
Steering Group - Associate Professor (TU Delft). Infrastructure resilience and risk management from natural hazards.
David van Raalten
Strategic Advisory Board - Board member Water Board WDODelta
Jos Röling
Strategic Advisory Board - Associate partner of the Global Center of Competency for Energy, Environment, and Utilities at IBM Global Business Services
Carmen Schoemaker
4TU RE Secretary
Tijmen Stet
Assistant communication advisor
Inge Vianen
Strategic Advisory Board - Global Leader CARE Climate Change and Resilience Platform
Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf
Steering Group - Assistant Professor at the Construction Management and Engineering group (UT)
Bram de Vos
Board - Managing Director Environmental Sciences Group (WUR)
George van Voorn
Steering Group - Operational Measures for the Assessment of Resilience and Sustainability of CAS (WUR)