I am a Research Professor on Urban Sustainability Transitions and Director of the Centre for Urban Transitions at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. I have published close to 100 peer-reviewed articles and in 2017, 2018 and 2020 released four books on urban sustainability transitions. I have also edited 18 special issues in top-ranked journals about sustainability and sustainability transitions.
I bring international research experience with a portfolio of on-going projects such as the Australian Research Council Linkage project on walkable and accessible urban spaces, Canadian funded project TRANSFORM on role of SMEs in urban transitions, USA NSF funded project NATURA on nature-based solutions in cities globally and EU Horizon 2020 projects involvement: TIPPING + on pathways to post-carbon economies and in an advisory role capacity in: CONNECTING NATURE, RENATURE, GO GREEN ROUTES all about how to transform urban form and governance with scaling up pathways of nature-based solutions in cities.
I have coordinated research on environmental governance, and urban sustainability transitions by leading and being involved in a portfolio of research projects including: CONNECTING NATURE, IMPRESSIONS, GATE, GUST, ENABLE, URBES, ARTS, SUSTAIN, MUSIC, RESHARE, RWS funded project on Sustainability in Large Infrastructures, NGI Self-organisation of infrastructures, and Urbact Project RESILIENT EUROPE.