I hold a PhD in Hydrology and am head of the Department of River Basin Management at the National Directorate of Water Resource Management in Mozambique. Furthermore, I am a lecturer of Disaster Risk Assessment, GIS, Remote Sensing and Water Resources Management at the Technical University of Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique. I have 19 years practical experience as a hydrologist and water resource manager with professional experience in surface and groundwater hydrology (quantity and quality).
Herewith apply for a 4TU DeSIRE Resilience Research Fellowship in order to further knowledge and collaboration on resiliency thinking for our river basins and, specifically, in the planning of our major cities. Mozambique faces huge challenges in relation to flood threats and water availability, which are amplified by the urban growth rates. Recent flood and drought events have yet again demonstrated the vulnerability of Mozambique and its cities to extreme hydrological events. Under ongoing climate and socio-economic trends I recognize that in Mozambique the stress on water resources and risk of water-related disasters may further increase in coming years. Therefore, to me, it is clear that these challenges ask for integral planning approaches involving collaborations, sharing of experiences and optimizing resources across disciplines and borders.
The 4TU Resilience Engineering Centre offers an excellent opportunity to address these challenges by starting a collaboration with experts from different disciplines in the Netherlands.
I was a Young Fellow in the 4TU.DeSIRE programme.