Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Eleonora Panizza

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Political and International Sciences (DISPI) at the University of Genoa, in collaboration with the CIMA (International Center for Environmental Monitoring) Research Foundation, in Savona, Italy. I graduated in International and Diplomatic Sciences in 2017 and gained my MSc in Politics and International Cooperation in 2019, both from the University of Genoa. The following year, I completed an eight-month internship at the CIMA Research Foundation, where I focused on capacity development in disaster risk reduction.

My PhD research focuses on understanding the impacts of flood events on human displacement in the IGAD region (Intergovernmental Authority on Development) in Africa, specifically in a pilot area in Sudan. I am developing an agent-based model that simulates the behaviour of households and tests the impact of different policies in the context of flood and displacement risk. My research is also part of the joint program “Addressing Drivers and Facilitating Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in the Contexts of Disasters and Climate Change in the IGAD Region”, which is coordinated by the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD), hosted by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

The 4TU Resilience Fellowship enables me to collaborate with researchers with expertise in agent-based modelling and flood risk management at TU Delft. In addition, this is a unique opportunity to expand my interdisciplinary network. My ultimate goal is to contribute to improving our understanding of the complex relationship between flood events and displacement in the IGAD region and to provide a useful tool to support decision-making for reducing the impact of flooding on vulnerable communities. 

I was a Young Fellow in the 4TU.DeSIRE programme.