I am Head of the Resilience Engineering Research Group at the University of Nottingham where I hold a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Infrastructure Asset Management. Prior to this, I worked for 20 years at Loughborough University where my final post was Professor of Systems Risk and Reliability. The prime focus of my research has been on methods for evaluating the system resilience, unavailability, unreliability and risk. Initially my work concentrated on the Fault Tree analysis technique and the use of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) as an efficient and accurate solution method. Recently attention has turned more the degradation modelling and the effects of maintenance, inspection and renewal on asset performance. In this context the modelling I have carried out has extended the Petri net and Bayesian Network capabilities
In 2005, I founded the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability of which I was the Editor for 10 years. I am also a member of the Editorial Boards for 6 other international journals in this field including: Reliability Engineering and System Safety and Quality and Reliability Engineering International. I have over 300 publications in the field of Risk, Reliability and Maintainability Engineering. In recent years, I have been awarded the Moss Prize, the Ludwig Mond Prize, the Donald Julius Groen Prize and the Charles Sharpe Beecher Prize from the IMechE.