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Nazli Aydin
Assistant Professor - Modeling and governance for the response to large-scale disruptions (TUD)

Srijith Balakrishnan
Assistant Professor (Resilient Infrastructures),
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management,
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management,
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Carissa Champlin
Assistant Professor of Participatory Design within the Climate Action Programme (TUD)

Mitrofan Curti
Tenure Tracker - Electromagnetic energy conversion for a more resilient society (TU/e)

Yue Dou
Tenure Tracker - Resilience of land use change and food systems department of Natural Resources (UT)

Roland Kromanis
Tenure Tracker - Monitoring the resilience of artificial and natural infrastructure in cities and urbanized deltas (UT)

Maria Nogal
Assistant Professor Integral Design and Management (TUD) and Visiting Professor at University College Dublin

Wieke Pot
Assistant professor Governance of social-ecological-technical systems for improving resilience (WUR)

Elisa Ragno
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CiTG)
Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Section Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CiTG)
Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Section Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk

Mikhail Sirenko
Postdoctoral Researcher at Delft University of Technology and a Disaster Resilience Analyst at the World Bank.

Zac Taylor
Assistant Prof. dept. Management Built Environment (TUD) and scientific lead within Resilient Delta initiative

Aleid Teeuwen
PhD candidate at Natural Resources dept., Faculty for Earth Observation and Geo-Information Sciences (UT)

Max de Vries
PhD researcher in the department of Civil Engineering and Management at the University of Twente

Mingshu Wang
Associate Professor at the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK

Els Weinans
Assistant Prof. Utrecht University at the Copernicus institute for sustainable development