I am a PhD researcher at the Integrated Project Delivery group in the department of Civil Engineering and Management at the University of Twente. In my PhD I am studying integrative approaches that strive to make the living environment more climate-resilient under future societal and climatic uncertainties. Extreme weather events resulting from the changing climate together with urbanization increase flood risks of people living in riverine deltas and coastal regions. Consequently, flood resilience of these regions is under pressure now and in the future.
Together with practitioners I co-create an integrative flood risk management approach, called 'Flood Resilient Landscapes'. This approach strives to create public value by embedding flood protection explicitly in spatial developments, striving to enhance flood resilience of urbanized deltas.
My research is driven by a multitude of questions, such as: How do we provide a flood-resilient living environment under climatic and societal challenges? What are the challenges in the implementation of 'integrative policies' that aim to bring a wide range of sectors together such as housing, energy and flood safety? And how do we bring these sectors together?
My passion for addressing these "wicked problems" is the driving force behind my research. Through my work, I aim to contribute to the creation of a more flood, and climate, resilient environment.
Together with a diverse group of 4TU.RE researchers I joined the International Conference on Resilient Systems in Singapore in 2024, which made me involved in the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering.