I am a computational scientist dedicated to making human settlements more livable and resilient. My research focuses on the computational modelling of cities, refugee camps, and informal settlements under extreme events such as heatwaves, floods, and infectious disease outbreaks, with a particular emphasis on community and individual behaviour. By bridging academia, government, and international organisations, I work to advance data-driven, equitable policies for both current and future urban challenges.
Currently, IāmĀ a Postdoctoral Researcher at Delft University of Technology and a Disaster Resilience Analyst at the World Bank.
Ā I value the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering for its holistic approach that considers both infrastructure systems and the social dimensions of resilience.
To me, the 4TU.RE-centreĀ isĀ a vital hub that brings togetherĀ peopleĀ with diverse backgrounds who areĀ doing inter- andĀ transdisciplinaryĀ studies. Itās precisely this collaborative focus that will remain essential in shapingĀ what resilience is and allowing for high-quality research.