Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Platform Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are published digital learning materials that can be copied, edited, reused, and distributed under the creative commons license. 

4TU Urban Resilience Community Platform

The Urban Resilience Community Platform contains Open Educational Resources (OER) on Urban Resilience, with the ambition to educate the future generation of resilience engineers to plan and design systems that are resilient to shocks, while being adaptive to changing technological and social trends. The aim is to publish conceptual teaching materials, comprehensive case studies, and games for lecturers to adapt and adopt for their own teaching purposes. Most materials are published in editable, short formats conforming to a ‘mix and match’ approach*. The platform has 8 collections of OER materials available.

* Exceptions to the mix and match format are the full-length, curriculum-based courses published in Collection 8.

8 collections on the Urban Resilience Community Platform

Collection 1: Resilience Engineering Core Concepts

This collection houses materials containing core concepts of resilience engineering to provide a foundation for all engineering disciplines in resilience thinking and its principles. Materials in this collection introduce a range of definitions of resilience and concepts of resilience like robustness, shocks, stresses and uncertainty and STE systems and their main attributes. Many of these concepts originate from complexity theory and disaster management.

  • Conceptual Difference between Risk, Resilience, and Robustness
  • Animation: Why Infrastructures are Complex Systems
  • Climate Change and the Development of Resilience Societies

Collection 2: Design Principles for Critical Services and Infrastructures

The design and engineering of critical infrastructure systems that are relevant to urbanizing deltas – transport, water, energy, cyber& ICT, agriculture and urban planning – must consider the impact of long-term stresses and intensifying shocks from a range of disastrous events. Materials in this collection familiarize students with various shocks and stresses on urban subsystems and their components as well as resilience measures and strategies. Notable materials include:

  • Flood Resilience and Defense
  • Extreme Value Analysis
  • Climate-responsive Planning and Design (CRPD) course: Assignments

Collection 3: Measuring and Analyzing Resilience of STE Systems

Quantifying the resilience of systems vis-a-vis adverse trends and shocks ranging from climate change to extreme weather events is a particular challenge. This collection focuses on the role of technological innovation and smart cities and the application of different methods for measuring and modelling resilience under uncertainty. Notable materials include:

  • Quantifying the Performance of Resilience Increasing Measures
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Robustness of Infrastructures
  • Agent-Based Modeling for Resilience

Collection 4: Governance and Institutional Arrangements of Complex STE Systems

This collection contains materials that help students assess vulnerable groups and involve stakeholders in the governance of critical infrastructures, including resilience engineering policy measures to reduce and absorb shocks and stresses. Materials include tools and methods for analyzing complex governance arrangements for facilitating meaningful engagement in a multi-actor context and coordinating policy-making. Notable materials include:

  • Uncertainty and Decision-making
  • How to Achieve Effective Water Protection Policies
  • Introduction to Actor Analysis in 6 Steps

Collection 5: Ethics of Resilience

Materials in this collection will stimulate students to integrate value-driven design and responsible innovation in their planning decision. This includes reflecting on trade-offs, robustness, reliability, and cost. Featured materials are:

  • How to 'Design for Values'
  • 4As Framework
  • Conceptual Framework for Energy Justice

Collection 6: Dutch and International Case Studies

Dutch and international city-specific case studies showcase core themes of how urbanizing deltas around the world are coping with extreme events. These case studies integrate important resilience trends and topics to show the practical implementation of resilience and its impacts on society. The cases synergize materials coming from multiple disciplines and other collections on the platform.  Notable case studies include:

  • Amsterdam: Integrated solutions an inclusive governance in a smart city
  • Kampala: Co-creating water resilience through circular water management and stakeholder participation
  • Japanese Cities: Critical infrastructure design for extreme resilience

Collection 7: Urban Resilience Games

Urban resilience games that give students the opportunity to learn important lessons about the interdependencies among socio-technical and environmental systems. To safeguard the future of our cities, an understanding of the impact of measures taken to cope with shocks and stresses on these systems is needed, all in the context of real-world challenges. The games offer different perspectives of resilience and how they influence key performance indicators and decision making for better prevention and mitigation of shocks and stresses. Notable games include:

  • Dissolving Disasters game by the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies
  • RElastiCity: An Urban Resilience Game
  • SURE! Simulation Urban Resilience Exercise by the British Red Cross EUROPEAID

Collection 8: Full-Length Courses

This collection contains full courses on a specific topic, with defined learning objectives, modules, lecture materials, and assignments included in a curriculum format. Featured courses are:

  • Course on Robust Policies for Operational Management Problems
  • Course on Agent Based Modeling
  • Course on Climate-responsive Planning and Design

Publish an OER

If you would like to publish your educational materials to our Urban Resilience platform, please get in touch with us! We will guide you through a simple six-step OER development roadmap. To get started, please contact Stephanie Hessing.