The 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering and the Future Resilient Systems programme of the Singapore-ETH Centre are inviting you for our online Joint International Resilience Conference: Interconnected: Resilience Innovations for Sustainable Development Goals
An excellent opportunity for PhD-students, researchers, policy-makers and resilience practitioners from across the world to meet and share expertise in the design, development, analysis and implementation of resilient social-technical-environmental (STE) systems.
With a variety of keynote speakers, interactive sessions and the opportunity to share your own research with international colleagues, the conference will give you the latest updates and breakthroughs in the field of Resilience Engineering.
Online event
The Joint International Resilience Conference will take place online! Given the international nature of the event, as well as its global relevance, this is the opportunity to learn more about the concept of resilience. With many foreign experts and other interested parties now able to join the event, the conference will represent a wide variety of perspectives and approaches to tomorrow’s problems.
For more information and registration, visit the conference website.