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Virtual colloquium: Predictive Maintenance via Fault Tree Analysis and Model Checking

Wednesday 27 May 2020

PrimaVera conducts regular (virtual) colloquiums with interesting talks around predictive maintenance.

Predictive maintenance is a promising technique that aims at predicting failures more accurately, so that just-in-time maintenance can be performed, doing maintenance exactly when and where needed. Thus, predictive maintenance promises higher availability, fewer failures at lower costs. In this talk, I will advocate a combination of model-driven (esp fault trees) and data analytical techniques to get more insight in the costs versus the system performance (in terms of availability, reliability, remaining useful lifetime) of maintenance strategies. I will show the results of three case studies from railroad engineering namely rail track (with Arcadis), the HVAC (heating, ventilation, airco; with NS).

I will also go into recent developments on learning fault trees and rare event simulation.

Text taken from the official event page.

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Location & time


May 27, 2020

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