Please note that some events may be postponed or moved online, due to unforeseen events such as regarding COVID-19. Check the organizer's or event's website for the latest updates.
Wed 28 - 30 Jun 2023
ICRS Conference
The 2023 International Conference on Resilient Systems is an excellent opportunity for PhD-students, researchers, policy-makers and resilience practitioners from across the world to meet and share expertise in the design, development, analysis and implementation of resilient social-technical-environmental systems. With a variety of (keynote) speakers, interactive sessions and the opportunity to share research with international colleagues, the conference will offer the attendees the latest updates and breakthroughs in the field of Resilience
Fri 9 Jun 2023
4TU.HTSF Meeting including 4TU.DeSIRE programme
9 June 2023 the 4TU.HTSF (High Tech for a Sustainable Future) Meeting will take place. During this meeting, the HTSF umbrella presents the results of the first round of funded programmes, such as the DeSIRE programme (Designing Systems for Informed Resilience Engineering). This meeting is a follow-up to the DeSIRE Conference 2022.
Tue 9 May 2023 / 12.30 - 16.30
AI Workshop
Join us for a workshop on the potential of AI in tackling the world's most pressing challenges, including the climate crisis, pandemics, and food security. AI can assist in disaster recovery efforts, predict human mobility during disasters, and forecast the needs of affected populations. However, AI faces complex decision-making processes, high levels of uncertainty, and moral dilemmas in disaster situations.
Fri 2 Dec 2022 / 10.30 - 15.00
Digital urban infrastructures symposium
On 2 December 2022, the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente organises a symposium on Digital urban infrastructures!
Tue 15 Nov 2022 / 15.00 - 16.00
Supply Chain/Transport Thematic Seminar
From February 22, 2022 we will start Thematic Seminars every three weeks. The seminars will be organized by our 4TU RE DeSIRE Thematic Working Groups. Slots & times will be rotating, so everyone (also fellows from other time zones) have at least the possibility to join a few of the seminars. We aim at 12 sessions this year, two dedicated seminars per DeSIRE theme.
Thu 3 - 4 Nov 2022
DeSIRE Conference 2022
It is with pleasure that we invite you to attend our yearly DeSIRE Conference: two days in which all the facets of Designing Systems for Informed Resilience Engineering will be touched upon in the full scope of its supporting themes. Through thematic sessions - nicely balancing both inspirational talks by our researchers and interactive tours or workshops, the DeSIRE community will show the results made in the Resilience Engineering domains of Agri, Cyber, Decision-Making, Energy, Ethics, Networks, Urban, and Water.
Wed 19 - 21 Oct 2022
M2R2 Symposium: Monitoring and Modelling Risk and Resiliance
Join the Centre for Disaster Resilience (CDR) at the University of Twente for an action packed programme on monitoring and modelling hazards, risk and resilience with themed symposia, workshops, excursions, networking opportunities and three Professorial Inaugural Lectures.
Thu 13 Oct 2022 / 11.00 - 12.00
Urban Thematic Seminar
From February 22, 2022 we will start Thematic Seminars every three weeks. The seminars will be organized by our 4TU RE DeSIRE Thematic Working Groups. Slots & times will be rotating, so everyone (also fellows from other time zones) have at least the possibility to join a few of the seminars. We aim at 12 sessions this year, two dedicated seminars per DeSIRE theme.
Mon 26 Sep 2022 / 15.00 - 16.00
Decision Making Thematic Seminar
From February 22, 2022 we will start Thematic Seminars every three weeks. The seminars will be organized by our 4TU RE DeSIRE Thematic Working Groups. Slots & times will be rotating, so everyone (also fellows from other time zones) have at least the possibility to join a few of the seminars. We aim at 12 sessions this year, two dedicated seminars per DeSIRE theme.
Tue 13 - 17 Sep 2022
International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability
The European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) is the key annual event for meetings and knowledge exchange in the area of risk assessment, risk management and optimization of the performance of socio-technological systems in Europe, and among the most important internationally.
Wed 7 Sep 2022 / 11.00 - 12.00
Energy Thematic Seminar
This Seminar has already been held. If you want to see the slides, you can find them here!
Sun 28 Aug until 1 Sep 2022
European Safety and Reliability Conference
The European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) is the key annual event for meetings and knowledge exchange in the area of risk assessment, risk management and optimization of the performance of socio-technological systems in Europe, and among the most important internationally.
Thu 7 Jul 2022 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.
Tue 5 Jul 2022 / 14.00 - 15.00
Agri-Food Thematic Seminar
This Seminar has already been held. If you want to see the slides, you can find them here!
Mon 4 - 5 Jul 2022
Workshop ‘Justice and values in the climate transition’
The workshop will be sponsored by the TPM Resilience Lab, the DeSIRE/4TU.RE Resilience Fellows program, and the VIDI project ‘Responsibility for resilience in climate adaptation’ lead by Neelke Doorn.