Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Please note that some events may be postponed or moved online, due to unforeseen events such as regarding COVID-19. Check the organizer's or event's website for the latest updates.

Tue 16 Mar 2021 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.
Tue 9 Mar 2021 / 10.00 - 12.00
Launch Platform for Urban Resilience open educational resources
On Tuesday, March 9th from 10.00-12.00, the 4TU RE Academy will launch its long-anticipated open access platform for Urban Resilience educational materials. The platform will features lectures, animations, games and case study materials contributed by a number of our community members, 4TU Masters students and more. This online event will feature a tour of the Urban Resilience community platform, an interactive user feedback session and an activity to explore ways of including these urban resilience materials in your own teaching. If you would like to receive an invitation, please email Carissa Champlin,
Mon 1 - 5 Mar 2021 - Source: ICLEI Europe and the European Environment Agency
1st Polder2C’s Winterschool: Fieldwork for flood resilience
Are you a MSc or PhD student who has affinity with the field of Flood Protection? We offer you a unique opportunity to dive into flood resilience for a full week with a small group of fellow students at our Winter School. Registration is open now!
Wed 17 Feb 2021 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.
Mon 25 Jan 2021 - Source: Global Center on Adaptation
Climate Adaptation Summit
The summit on climate change will be hosted by the Netherlands. It will cover the work of the commission, providing solutions for the problems of tomorrow.
Thu 14 Jan 2021 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.
Wed 6 Jan 2021 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Mon 14 Dec 2020 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.
Wed 9 Dec 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Maintenance Optimization for Multi-Component Systems with a Single Sensor
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Mon 30 Nov until 4 Dec 2020 - Source: UR Forum
Understanding Risk Forum
Join the ten-year anniversary of the Understanding Risk (UR) Forum in Singapore!
Mon 23 - 27 Nov 2020
Joint International Resilience Conference
The 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering and the Future Resilient Systems programme of the Singapore-ETH Centre are inviting you for our Joint International Resilience Conference.
Wed 25 Nov 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: An introduction to behavioral operations management
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Tue 17 Nov 2020 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.
Wed 11 Nov 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Business models for CBM-based smart services
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Tue 3 - 5 Nov 2020 - Source: University of Twente
Risk & Resilience Online
The Risk & Resilience Festival will take place online! Join the event from November 3 to November 5, 2020.