Please note that some events may be postponed or moved online, due to unforeseen events such as regarding COVID-19. Check the organizer's or event's website for the latest updates.
Wed 21 Oct 2020 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Note: this will be an online event
Wed 14 Oct 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium
Title to be announced. The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Fri 9 Oct 2020
Defence for PhD dissertation 'Deciding for tomorrow, today'
On October 9th, Wieke Pot will defend her PhD dissertation titled "Deciding for tomorrow, today. What makes governmental decisions about water infrastructure forward looking?".
Wed 30 Sep 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Finding Software Bugs Using Active Automata Learning
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Thu 17 Sep 2020 / 15.45 - 17.30
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Note: this will be a hybrid event
Wed 16 Sep 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Condition-based maintenance optimization based on matrix algebra
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Wed 2 Sep 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Asset Management & PdM, vibration analysis and structure of the deliverable
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Wed 8 Jul 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Integrated learning and decision making
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Mon 29 - 30 Jun 2020
DeSIRE meeting
Note: This meeting is in the past. An overview of the impressions and conclusions of this meeting can be found below.
Sun 21 - 26 Jun 2020 - Source: ESREL 2020 PSAM 15
ESREL 2020 PSAM 15
The conference combines the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference.
Wed 24 Jun 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Causal inference and discovery
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Tue 2 - 3 Jun 2020 - Source: Public University of Navarre
2nd Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Workshop on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, organized by one of 4TU RE's Resilience Fellows.
Wed 27 May 2020 - Source: PrimaVera
Virtual colloquium: Predictive Maintenance via Fault Tree Analysis and Model Checking
The colloquium is part of the colloquium series on Predictive Maintenance in the PrimaVera project on this topic.
Wed 27 May 2020 - Source: ICLEI Europe and the European Environment Agency
European Urban Resilience Forum
Note: Due to the circumstances surrounding the corona virus, this event will take place online.
Wed 29 Apr until 1 May 2020 - Source: Nobel Foundation
Nobel Prize Summit
The three-day summit, Our Planet, Our Future, will bring together Nobel Laureates and other world-renowned experts and leaders to advance new insights into global sustainable development.