Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



Please note that some events may be postponed or moved online, due to unforeseen events such as regarding COVID-19. Check the organizer's or event's website for the latest updates.

Fri 27 Mar 2020 - Source: VNG Risicobeheer
VNG Resilience Congres
[Dutch event] Sterk staan voor de toekomst. Bouwen aan een gemeente die adequaat kan inspelen op grote vraagstukken, zoals klimaatverandering, cyberveiligheid en samenhang in de samenleving. Daarover gaat het Resilience Congres van VNG Risicobeheer.
Tue 10 Mar 2020
Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks
Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established ā€œEngineering for a Resilient Worldā€ as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.
Thu 5 Mar 2020 / 13.00 - 17.00
Symposium and inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Tatiana Filatova on Climate Change and Resilience
Appointed by the executive board of the University of Twente as professor of ā€˜Computational Economicsā€™ at the Faculty of Behavior, Management and Social Sciences.
Thu 28 Nov 2019
Resilience Research Program Day
Meeting between the Steering Group, DeSIRE Tenure Trackers and Think Tank from the 4TU Resilience Engineering centre. The day will include updates from Tenure Trackers, an open educational resources game and a guest talk on resilience of socio-ecological systems.
Thu 21 Nov 2019 - Source: NGInfra
Infratrends 2019 / NGInfra congress
Als beheerders en eigenaren van infrastructuur zijn wij ervoor verantwoordelijk dat de infrastructuur nu en in de toekomst goed functioneert. We hebben allemaal dezelfde uitdaging: hoe zorgen we ervoor dat onze infrastructuur kan inspelen op de grote veranderingen en trends?
Tue 5 - 7 Nov 2019 - Source: DMDU Society
DMDU2019 Conference
Join us for a session on Resilience Engineering at the DMDU (Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty) conference in Delft on 5-7 November 2019.
Thu 7 Nov 2019 - Source: University of Twente
Risk & Resilience Festival UT
The Festival is centred around the theme ā€œRisk meets Resilience for a Sustainable Futureā€. Together with participants, lecturers and speakers will take part in discussion sessions.
Mon 21 - 22 Oct 2019 - Source: EuroSciCon
Conference on Climate Change
Wed 9 - 11 Oct 2019 - Source: Herrenhausen Conference
Extreme Events - Building Climate Resilient Societies
The relations between climate extremes and sustainable development goals will be discussed at the Herrenhausen Conference.
Wed 25 - 27 Sep 2019 - Source: Karabuk University
ISESH 2019
International Science and Engineering Applications Symposium on Hazards 2019.
Thu 5 - 6 Sep 2019 - Source: Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (University of Agder)
EURO HOpe 2019: The 4th EURO HOpe mini-conference
The 4th EURO HOpe mini-Conference of EURO Working Group on Humanitarian Logistics will take place on 5-6 September 2019 in Kristiansand, Norway. The conference is hosted by the Centre for Integrated Emergency Management at the University of Agder.
Wed 4 Sep 2019 - Source: TO2
TO2 event
[Dutch event] Bedreigingen kunnen van veel kanten komen; van natuurrampen, water- en voedseltekorten, epidemieƫn en cyberdreigingen tot geopolitieke ontwikkelingen. De overheid wil voorkomen dat de maatschappij hierdoor ontwricht raakt, hetzij door d
Sun 28 - 31 Jul 2019 - Source: FRS
World Congress on Resilience, Reliability and Asset Management
The event brings scientists, policymakers, and practitioners from the areas of resilience, reliability, and asset engineering together to share the latest knowledge, approaches and experiences to make interdependent infrastructure systems more robust
Thu 6 - 7 Jun 2019
DeSIRE Conference June 2019
On 6 and 7 June 2019 the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering and the Strategic Research Programme DeSIRE (Designing Systems for Informed Resilience Engineering) organized the first 4TU DeSIRE-conference on Resilience Engineering. The aim of this national conference is to provide a forum for scientists and practitioners to connect, share experiences and raise challenges on all aspects related to Resilience Engineering of social-technological-ecological systems. Together, we want to build a resilience engineering community and start or further strengthen collaborations.