Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Twente Resilience Meeting & Drinks

Thursday 17 September 2020 / 15.45 - 17.30

Note: this will be a hybrid event

Since January 2018, the 4TU Centre for Resilience Engineering (4TU.RE) has been set-up, including the 4TU DeSIRE programme. In January 2019, UT established “Engineering for a Resilient World” as one of the five strategic themes. Because of these two important initiatives, we want to build and strengthen a local resilience network/community Resilience@UT, as part of several national and international networks that are being set-up around (aspects of) resilience.

We have invited two external organisations that deal a lot with resilience: The Safety Region Twente and Energy Network Operator Enexis. See below for the programme, some more background information and two short abstracts of the presentations.

We aim at an interactive meeting, with a lot of discussion in which we learn about each other’s work, roles, and challenges leading to some concrete outputes (e.g. identify possibilities for collaboration, possiblilities for BSc/MSc thesis projects, follow-up meetings on concrete topics/projects, etc) . In order to realize that, we ask you to also prepare some questions, develop ideas for collaborations, etc beforehand.

About the event


Walk-in / logging in (coffee/tea in the Design Lab)

Presentation by Safety Region Twente: Safety & Resilience
Dr. ir. R.A.C. (Ron) de Wit, deputy Fire Chief & Operational leader Safety Region Twente
(in the Design Lab, streamed through Microsoft Teams)

Presentation by Enexis: How to stay in control in a changing world?
Ir. Martijn Korn, Strategic Engineer Enexis (through Microsoft Teams)

Short presentation about UT & Resilience
Dr. Joanne Vinke-de Kruijff
(in the Design Lab, streamed through Microsoft Teams)

Q&A / discussion

Drinks in the Design lab / online chat

Information about the presentations

We asked our presenters to reflect on one or more of the following questions:

  • What perspective does your organization have on resilience? Do you actively consider resilience?
  • What does your organization already do / at which aspects of resilience do you focus?
  • What are key challenges to become more resilient?
  • What do you need in terms of knowledge, tools, people, organizations etc?

Safety Region Twente: Safety & Resilience

Dr. ir. R.A.C. (Ron) de Wit, deputy Fire Chief & Operational leader Safety Region Twente

Safety Region Twente is working on safety for the citizens, businesses and municipalities in the region of Twente. Its best known role in resilience consists of preparing for and acting in the case of disasters, for example in the current COVID-19-crisis. But the influence of Safety Region Twente on resilience is much broader than that. In a short presentation, mr. de Wit takes you into the daily practice of security, crisis and resilience.

How to stay in control in a changing world?

Ir. Martijn Korn, Strategic Engineer Enexis

The ‘old’ world was simple for a gas and electricity distribution company such as Enexis Netbeheer. Energy was transported in one direction from large-scale production units to customers. Traditional risks that had to be managed, such as ageing of components are well known. However the world is changing rapidly with the transition from a central fossil fuels-based energy system towards a decentralized energy system based on renewables. With e.g. climate change, the energy transition and increasing dependencies between infrastructures new challenges and risks arise. These new risks require a different approach to manage to those risks. This presentation will give an insight in the challenges Enexis Netbeheer is facing and the “Barrier Based” risk management system that Enexis is developing to stay in control and to be resilient in changing.

Practical information

Location & time

DesignLab (Ideate - University of Twente, NL) & Microsoft Teams

September 17, 2020 | 15:45 - 17:30


To register, please contact