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Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Xiao Liu research visit

Tuesday 9 July 2024 / 14.30 - 16.00

On July 9th at 14:30, Omar Kammouh and colleagues have the pleasure of hosting Professor Xiao Liu from Georgia Institute of Technology for a talk on " Statistical Learning for Spatio-Temporal Environmental and Event Processes" at TU Delft.

Practical information

Location and Time

Location: Delft University of Technology, TPM building, Lecture Hall A

Time: 14:30 - 16:00

Additional information

Title: Statistical Learning for Spatio-Temporal Advection-Diffusion Environmental Processes and Event Processes

Abstract: This talk will provide an overview to some useful statistical learning methodologies that can potentially be used for resilience modeling, analysis and decision making. The first half of this seminar will focus on the statistical modeling for spatio-temporal advection-diffusion type of environmental processes, such as wildfire smoke propagation, inverse modeling and sensor placement. In particular, we focus on how fundamental governing physics and domain knowledge can be integrated into data-driven approaches that affect how data are modeled and how models are interpreted. These models will facilitate real-time operations and decisions. In the second half of this seminar, we focus on the statistical modeling for large-scale point processes under dynamic environmental processes. These methodologies can be applied to model the failure processes for a large fleet of heterogeneous systems, fire events on power transimittion lines, etc. These models can be useful in proritizing resource and scheduling for preventive maintenance activities.

Bio: Dr. Xiao Liu is the David M. McKenney Family Associate Professor at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. His research focuses on domain-aware data-driven methodologies for various scientific and engineering applications, and research findings have been published on both Industrial Engineering and Statistics journals; e.g., JASA, Technometrics, IISE Transactions, AOAS, JQT, etc. He served as the President of the Data Analytics & Information Systems division of IISE, and will serve as the Program co-Chair for the 2025 IISE Annual Conference & Expo. Before joining GT, he held positions at the National University of Singapore, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, and University of Arkansas.