Part of the
Resilience Engineering
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Resilience Engineering


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61



7 Sep 2022
Eight Thematic Seminar
September 7, 2022 the eight Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Sjors Hijgenaar and Vetrivel S. Rajkumar gave a talk about Cyber Resilient Electric Vehicle Charging in Smart Grids and How can cyber attacks on power grids cause cascading failures and a blackout in Europe?
7 Sep 2022
Honorary lecture of Carl Folke on Resilience in Leiden on 28 September at 16.00
A cordial invitation to the honorary lecture of Carl Folke on Resilience in Leiden on 28 September. Carl Folke is selected as the winner of the 2022  KNAW Heineken Prize in Environmental Science, which is a very influential prize, with some of the former laureates later receiving Nobel. 
7 Sep 2022
Vacancy alert! Postdoc researcher Redesigning Deltas
TU Delft is hiring four postdoc researcher in Redesigning Deltas. Do you want to do research on the future challenges of urban delta areas? And do you have experience with knowledge-based design approaches? Apply for one of the four fully funded Postdoctoral research positions.
13 Aug 2022
Rubicon grant for Robbin Jan van Duijne
Some great news about Robbin Jan van Duijne - post-doc in the DeSIRE research program; he has been awarded a Rubicon grant from NWO. This will allow him to spend two years at Columbia University in New York City, conducting research on climate migration. Read more about it in this news article from utoday!
10 Aug 2022
Vacancy alert! Resilience of Infrastructure, Transportation, Logistics
TU Delft is hiring a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Resilient Infrastructure, Transport and Logistics (TLO). TU Delft is a leading group in transportation and logistics, and you will have the opportunity to work with researchers in related domains such as energy and ICT.
5 Jul 2022
Seventh Thematic Seminar
July 5, 2022 the fourth Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Firouzeh Taghikhah and Arjuna Srinidhi gave a talk about Integrated modeling of extended agro-food supply chains: A systems approach and Redesigning watershed development to improve climate resilience of semiarid farming systems in India.
29 Jun 2022
DeSIRE Summer Meeting 2022
The Resilience Engineering Methodologies – DeSIRE Summer meeting took place on June 20th at “Oudaen” in Utrecht. Tatiana Filatova welcomed us and we were happy to welcome several DeSIRE Fellows and Guests in our midst, including Maria Pregnolato, Elena Bakhanova, Ezgi Orhan, Sitong Luo, Rui Texeira, Firouzeh Taghikhah, Beatriz Martinez Pastor, Zahra Sadrian and others.
23 Jun 2022
Vacancy alert! Resilience of power grids to cyber attacks
There are four vacancies (2 PhD and 2 PostDocs) in Alex Stefanov's research group at TU Delft on cyber security and resilience of power grids to cyber attacks. See them below with links to a detailed job description and application form.
16 Jun 2022
Climate-responsive adaption of urban areas in an arid climate
The DeSIRE Resilience Fellowship programme brings together researchers from different disciplines and different parts of the world. Recently, João Cortesão shares his recent work on climate-responsive adaptation of urban areas in an arid climate, in a collaboration with researchers from Chicago State University, Ain Shams University and Wageningen University. Aynaz Lotfata and João have met to develop their study on climate resilience in Cairo, Egypt. This is an ongoing interdisciplinary design research counting on the invaluable work of Hestia Zinsmeister and the priceless contributions of Samah El Khateeb, Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Josephine van Zeben, Zac Taylor and Wendy Guan Zhen Tan.
14 Jun 2022
Newsletter June 2022
June's edition of our newsletter has just been published, check it out here!
10 Jun 2022
Sixth Thematic Seminar
June 10, 2022 the fourth Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Timo Overboom, Levy Costa and David Smeulders gave a talk about The role of grid components during energy transition, Connecting the Hydrogen energy storage to the existing grid and Keeping your options open in energy systems.
1 Jun 2022
4TU.RE research updates in the spotlight
Read new updates on Data-driven decision-support tools for pandemic preparedness (Florence Metz) and Healthy waterway systems (Prateek Negi)
1 Jun 2022
We have a long list of 4TU.RE members to congratulate!
23 May 2022
A new foundation for the European farming systems
4TU.Resilience Engineering has published a new DeSIRE Research Story! This time, Miranda Meuwissen shares her experiences with the research project SURE-Farm: Sustainable and Resilient EU Farming Systems. This project studied the resilience of the European farming systems and provides interesting findings on how to develop healthy and sustainable farming systems. 
18 May 2022
Fifth Thematic Seminar
May 18, 2022 the fifth Thematic Seminar was held. Here, Hiba Baroud and Omar Kammouh gave a talk about Evaluating the vulnerability of infrastructure systems and their role in food distribution during disasters and A scalable approach for intervention planning of complex interconnected systems.