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PDEng awardwinners at TU/e

Wednesday, 10 November 2021


Tim van den Boom (Qualified Medical Engineer) received the PDEng Award at TU/e for his thesis AngioSupport: The design of an interactive tool to allow numerical modeling in clinical decision making.

Van den Boom has collaborated with the Catharina Hospital on an interactive tool - AngioSupport - that can help physicians make better decisions about the treatment of ischemic heart disease thanks to numerical modeling. With AngioSupport, the team can perform treatments virtually and simulate the consequences of the treatment. This helps tremendously in determining a treatment plan for each patient. His thesis combines data systems, computer models, user studies and interactive software. According to the jury, Van den Boom’s work is a wonderful example of a PDEng project with direct impact in practice.

Van den Boom worked on the AngioSupport project together with Bettine van Willigen. They both wrote a separate thesis on the subject. The jury could choose just one winner, based on the theses, and that is Van den Boom. "But you are of course free to share the prize (5,000 euros, ed.)", rector magnificus Frank Baaijens stated. 

Photo: Bart van Overbeeke


The aforementioned awards were determined by jury members from the TU/e departments, each with their own specific knowledge and expertise. But which of all the Bachelor, MAster, PDEng and PhD theses and dissertations submitted will appeal to the public? To find out, TU/e created the Audience Award. People could vote for the candidates, and almost 5,000 people did so. The winner of the Audience Award with over 500 votes was Floor van Schie of the Built Environment department for her PDEng project The GEM-Tower.

The mobile GEM Tower offers a sustainable alternative for the energy supply during festivals and events, where normally diesel generators grind and whine away. The tower combines wind energy with solar energy, so energy can be generated in any weather.