Automotive Systems Design
The ASD program aims at a systems approach to problems around mobility and fuel efficient automotive systems, including communication systems and electrical driving, with emphasis on the multidisciplinary design aspects of project-based research and engineering and the challenges that are faced by the automotive industry.
The automotive industry is rapidly changing into a high-tech sector facing huge challenges in terms of multidisciplinary product and process engineering that requires new generations of engineers. As a technological designer, you can have the rewarding task of translating new ideas and plans into automotive system designs.
With the ASD program the trainees gain valuable competences that are highly regarded by the automotive industry as well as by other high-tech industries where system architecture, design and engineering play an important role.
A certified ASD designer has in-depth knowledge of systems architecture and design processes, theoretical as well as practical, which clearly distinguishes him/her from a ‘normal’ MSc.
Most of the graduates find excellent positions in the high tech automotive industry, often within the company where the final design project was carried out.
The program starts with 14 months of advanced education (including 6-10 weeks projects for industry), followed by a major technological design project of 10 months in a company. The program consists of the following modules:
First year
- Module 1: Automotive Systems Engineering
- Module 2: Automotive Sensing
- Module 3: Software networked embedded systems
- Module 4: Autonomous/Cooperative Driving and Human-centered Design of Automotive Systems
Second year
- Technological design project (10 months)
Mechatronic Systems Design
The MSD program aims at system synthesis and design of complex equipment, instruments, robotic and manufacturing systems and systems-of-systems, by combining in-depth understanding of the classical engineering fields, with multi-disciplinary, model based systems engineering to conceive, predict and verify cutting-edge system functionalities and architecture.
The high-tech mechatronic industry is facing huge challenges in terms of multidisciplinary product and process engineering that require new generations of engineers. As a technological designer, you can have the rewarding task of translating new ideas and plans into innovative high tech system designs.
The program is closely connected to the TU/e High Tech Systems Center. Officially MSD is now positioned as a sub-track of ASD. It is the intention to give it the status of a separate EngD program as soon as possible.
Completing the MSD program results in a number of competitive advantages for a career in the design and development of products and services for the high-tech industry, where system architecture, design and engineering play an increasingly important role.
A certified MSD designer has in-depth knowledge of systems architecture and design processes, theoretical as well as practical, which clearly distinguishes him/her from a ‘normal’ MSc.
The program starts with 12 months of advanced education (including several 6-8 weeks projects for industry), followed by a major technological design project of 12 months in a company. The program consists of the following modules:
First year
- Module 1: Systems Engineering
- Module 2: Robotics
- Module 3: Software networked embedded systems
- Module 4: Mechatronic Systems
Second year
- Technological design project
EngD degree
When you successfully complete a designer’s program, you will receive a certified diploma. You are entitled to use the academic degree Engineering Doctorate (EngD).
More information
Learn more about these programs and how to apply by visiting the Automotive Systems Design and/or the Mechatronic Systems Design website.