Part of the
Stan Ackermans Institute
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Stan Ackermans Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Civil Engineering (CE)

The purpose of the two-year EngD program in Civil Engineering at the University of Twente is to educate people who are able to create high quality, creative and innovative designs as a solution for complex issues.

EngD programme in Civil Engineering

During the year, major projects in the field of civil engineering get an increasingly more complex character. On the one hand, it takes the spectrum of possible technical solutions by technological innovations. On the other hand, the context in which these projects must be realized is complex: an urbanized environment with many complex and often conflicting conditions from business or administrative angle.
The program includes issues for example of accessibility of urban areas, high quality public transport, flood problems in low-lying densely populated areas, increasing water pollution caused by climate changes, inner city renewal etcetera.

Graduates of the two-year EngD program will have a clear added value compared to MSc-graduates, especially in the area of design skills in multidisciplinary civil engineering issues. For more information about the EngD program in Civil Engineering, please see our website or contact our program coordinator:

More information

Learn more about this program and how to apply by visiting the Civil Engineering website.