Part of the
Stan Ackermans Institute
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Stan Ackermans Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Process and Product Design (PPD)

The Process and Product Design program prepares trainees for leading functions in the broad field of process design and knowledge-intensive product development.

The objective is to develop their ability to define feasible targets, to identify and acquire the available means, and to synthesize these skills in the form of a completed result within the time agreed on. Linked to this all is the ability to work in and lead a usually multidisciplinary team. These are characteristic qualities for the profession of design engineer in the process and product industry.

One of the main features of the program is expressed in its name: besides attention to process design, much attention is paid to the relationship between the process and the structure and functionality of the product. This leads to the integration of process and product-related disciplines in the development, design, and operationalization of processes. More and more, process engineers are finding employment in the performance products manufacturing industry.

EngD degree

When you successfully complete the Designer’s program, you will receive a certified diploma. You are entitled to use the academic degree Engineering Doctorate (EngD).


A certified Product, Process and Equipment designer has in-depth knowledge of design processes, theoretical as well as practical, which clearly distinguishes him/her from a ‘normal’ MSc. Most of the graduates find excellent positions in the chemical and performance products manufacturing industry, often within the company where the final design project was carried out.


The program starts with a year of advanced education, followed by a major technological design project of eight to twelve months in a company. The program consists of the following courses:

First year:

Technical courses:

More information

Learn more about this program and how to apply by visiting the Process and Product Design website.

Please note: the PPD program will not be hiring a new cohort for October 2024. For future PPD cohort hiring, no information is expected before January 2025.