Part of the
Stan Ackermans Institute
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Stan Ackermans Institute


+31(0)6 48 27 55 61


Smart Buildings and Cities

The EngD programme Smart Buildings and Cities educates trainees to become an ‘integral engineer’ in the field of SBC.

They will become part of a team with preferably different educational backgrounds. Active, cooperative and peer-learning oriented methods such as workshops and projects are chosen as education methods.

As a SBC trainee you will learn to design intelligent and energy efficient building components and/or building concepts aimed at the intelligent use of as less as possible energy and/or Intelligent networks aimed at the alignment of supply and demand of energy.

EngD degree

When you successfully complete the Designerā€™s programme, you will receive a certified diploma. You are entitled to use the academic degree Engineering Doctorate (EngD).


The SBC graduate will have developed knowledge and skills in the field of Smart Energy Technology, the integrated multidisciplinary design of this technology in the built environment, and entrepreneurial skills to introduce and market the related innovative artifacts. These skills give him/her an advantage over MSc graduates and open a broad spectrum of opportunities.

More information
Learn more about this programme and how to apply by visiting the Smart BuildingsĀ and Cities website