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Soft Robotics
TU DelftTU EindhovenUniversity of TwenteWageningen University
Soft Robotics

4TU Federation

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maandag, 3 februari 2020

Michael Wiertlewski and Aimée Sakes receive a Cohesion Grant

Michaël Wiertlewski (TT in CoR-TUD) and Aimée Sakes (TT in BME-TUD) have been awarded a cohesion grant by the faculty of 3mE of Delft University of Technology. The main aim of the project is to control the frictional properties of the catheter in real-time, using ultrasonic friction modulation, to anchor a compliant catheter inside the body. The body of the catheter will exhibit high-friction with the biological tissues by default, which provides support to maintain a certain position or to operate with high forces without buckling, and can become near frictionless by engaging the ultrasonic actuation during insertion and removal of the catheter.